Who Owns Your Fire & Security Sales Team’s LinkedIn Contacts?

Your best Fire and Security salesperson hands in his notice, works out his gardening leave and then starts using his LinkedIn profile to get in touch with all his contacts. For his new employer – one of your competitors.

A year later, you realise that some of your best contracts are not being renewed. Those long serving clients are now getting their maintenance and monitoring done by the new company of your ex-employee.

But is there anything you can do about it? Who actually owns all the data on an ex-employee’s LinkedIn profile that was compiled whilst they were working for your company? Continue reading “Who Owns Your Fire & Security Sales Team’s LinkedIn Contacts?”

Are You Seeing The LinkedIn Warning About Reaching The Commercial Limit For Searches For Fire and Security Leads

If you do much prospecting on LinkedIn with a free account, you will have seen the warning that you are nearing the commercial limit for searches

No, we don’t know what the actual number of searches in any one month is that constitutes your commercial limit but, once you’ve seen that warning, you will find that your ability to search is severely restricted.

When you make a search on the platform, you will only see a few options to connect with. It can be very frustrating

Your choices?

Continue reading “Are You Seeing The LinkedIn Warning About Reaching The Commercial Limit For Searches For Fire and Security Leads”