Beating Feast and Famine For Fire and Security Installation Companies

Fire and Security installation companies often find themselves trapped in a challenging roller coaster of feast and famine, where periods of overwhelming workload alternate with stretches of under-utilisation and financial strain.

We often see it on LinkedIn… installation companies reaching out to request help from other engineers because they have too much work. Then other installers offering to help because they have spare capacity.

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A Decade of Security Website Design Proven to Generate Leads & Sales

Within a few weeks of our first security company website design going live, it generated a SALE worth £20k.

The normally dour Sales Director was positively glowing in his praise.

We had crossed the enquiry into the box and he had knocked it in! Continue reading “A Decade of Security Website Design Proven to Generate Leads & Sales”

Does your Security Company want to turn more Site Surveys into Sales?

For Security companies, advertising and marketing comes in various shapes and sizes. People see your sign written vans, your bell boxes are everywhere and all your guys wear uniforms. That’s great if someone sees one of these just after being burgled…

They can call you up and arrange a site survey. Of course, that is what gets you business. No site survey – no sale!

But when those site surveys fail to bring in business, you’ve wasted time and money.

This blog post reveals the most important mistake we see Security companies make again and again. And it explains what you can do about it to get more sales.
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Marketing At Halloween – How Dynamic Security Companies Can Sell More Burglar Alarms


When was the last time you sat down and thought, “I’m going to do a blog post about Halloween to help my business!” Never? Probably… 

But tailoring the content you produce around public holidays such as Halloween and Christmas is something you should be doing to promote your business. 

I’m not suggesting you bring out a range of bat-shaped CCTV cameras… but instead, you need to think about what problems these different holidays and events can bring to your target audience and utilise this in one of Inbound Marketing’s favourite tactics – blog writing.

Continue reading “Marketing At Halloween – How Dynamic Security Companies Can Sell More Burglar Alarms”