WHAT A DIFFERENCE a WRONGLY-PLACED comma makes in your Fire & Security company’s Google My Business map listing…. 1.8 miles to be precise!
When I created the Google My Business page for Fenix Monitoring I put in the correct site address – Unipart Business Centre, Bay 27, Garsington Road, Cowley, Oxfordshire, OX4 2PG. I could see it quite clearly on the Fenix GMB dashboard.
SO YOU CAN IMAGINE the cussing when Google decided to show the address on her ACTUAL map as 27 Garsington Road, Oxford.
1.8 miles away from the actual building!
How to fix a Google My Business (GMB) error
Gotta love Google – she often throws up a good challenge! I once had to manually draw a road onto the Google map after the roof of a new shopping mall had hidden the original road from Google’s eyes in the sky. Yes, I know! What’s even more shocking is that I’m one of those people who has to hold a roadmap upside down to give directions when I am passenger-seat driving! And they still allowed me to make the change!
See,it’s usually possible to fix things with some perseverance.
BUT this was another reason to blame COVID! Because for many months it was impossible to speak to a real person at GMB to get the map changed.
NEVER tried to explain a wrongly-placed comma to an automated bot… ? Cue some very unladylike language.
We tried all sorts of tricks to persuade the GMB Map to show the CORRECT address but to no avail.
THEN, last week, I finally tracked down a real person.
Hussain was able to FIND and PERSUADE the right team within Google My Business to manually move the comma…
And, this week, Fenix got their comma AND their ACTUAL ADDRESS back on the map! PHEW!!!!
If you have questions about the Google My Business map listing for your Fire & Security company, we can help.
Click here for help with your Fire & Security GMB maplisting